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/ Night Owl 17 / Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-17)(Night Owl Publisher)(1995).ISO / 051a / 7tinyss.zip

Text (4)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
COMMENT.FIL Text File 9 468b 1994-11-04
FILE_ID.DIZ Text File 6 200b 1995-02-23
SCRNSV.DOC Text File 29 1KB 1995-02-19
TSR_CTL.DOC Text File 47 2KB 1995-02-19

Other Files (10)
ASKISCRN.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 941b 1992-04-15
ASKITEXT.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 8KB 1995-02-19
ELLIPSE.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 2KB 1993-01-14
LINES.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 2KB 1995-02-11
LOW_ASKI.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 939b 1993-03-07
LOW_TEXT.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 673b 1993-02-14
LOWCLOCK.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 623b 1995-02-21
RECTANGL.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 839b 1993-01-14
SCRNASKI.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 2KB 1993-01-15
SCRNSAVE.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 2KB 1993-01-14